Stellantis: Together in a circular ecosystem

Multi-disciplinary group project sponsored by FCA.
2020 defines a period of time like no other. Events that have transpired have pushed us, our cultures, our governments, and companies into uncomfortable, yet important dialogues.FCA recognizes that maintaining some aspects of our current business strategy is not sustainable.redefine a new FCA Brand that reflects on the learnings of 2020, promoting Stellantis as a force of global social and economic sustainability.

The project is aim to help Stellantis to formulate a new strategy for the post-pandemic market to adapt to changes in market demand,includes system , interior & exterior and brand experience.
My role
Focused the create story of user scerinario and animated it, I also did reaearch making,brand strateg curated the story board and the visual presentation for story telling and presentation and we worked together on Stellatis Park story and 3D-animation.
Mehul Malhotra
Shenhong Zheng
Devin Parham

Why do we need Lifestyle Companion?

For way too long, mobility has been about distancing humans from everything else. Distancing from local experiences and from other humans. In the process, we have gotten too comfortable with not just the distancing, but also the damage from its causes and effects.
Framing questions

How might Stellantis show its social responsibility to elevate the welfare of humanity?
How might Stellantis visualize the needs of target customers and instill trust?
Los Angeles
os Angeles will be a place where every resident is empowered to engage with others and contribute to local business processes. By the year 2030, LA will be the most civically engaged region in the US, with abundant platforms for residents to voice their opinions and influence decision-makers for business. An expanded transportation network will facilitate the easy flow of people and ideas.
Brand Story: Upward Local Social Mobility and Empowerment,LA 2035
Stellanis supports local business owners to empower them and encourage upward social mobility by helping these local business open up shacks at Stellantis Parks.

Our Story revolves around Sophie Garcia, a single mother of two, who for years struggled to get her local coffee shop up and running in Compton. Stellantis has now helped Sophie rent a coffee shack in addition to her coffee shop to be able to really uplift her local business.